Tips for trips > Harrachov
Harrachov – 686 m above sea level, population: 1780
One of the most important recreational centres in Krkonoše is situated in the westest part of Krkonoše, directly on the border with Poland. It lies in a hollow along the river Mumlava and its affluents Milnice, Kamenice and Bílá voda. From the south it is bound by steep slope of Čertova hora (1020 m. a. s.), from the north by less steeper slopes of Silesian ridge (Mrtvý vrch – 1059 m. a. s., Jakšín – 1115 m. a. s.) The very important saddle is Novosvětský průsmyk (885 m. a. s.), where is border crossing between Harrachov and Poland – Jakuszyce , international road E-65 and railway to Jelení hory (out of order) go through it.
Contemporary Harrachov (town since 1973) was established after 1945 by joining originally independent settlements Nový Svět and Rýžoviště together with Harrachov. In 1959 the hamlet Mýtiny was joined where nowadays there is a railway terminal of the route Tanvald – Harrachov. This area belonged to Poland and was exchanged for the same large area to the north from Mrtvý vrch. Habitation of the village has been evidenced since 17th century and at the beginning of 18th century glassworks was established, it belonged to count line of Har rachové since 1754. At the end of 19th century and beginning of the last century this glassworks made Krkonoše's glass production very famous all over Europe and overseas.
Nowadays production successfully continues famous tradition (production
of cut, hand shaped and decorated glass). Glass museum was moved to newly
rebuilt mansion near the glass factory in Nový Svět in 1994. There is also a
chapel of St. Elizabeth with glass bell from 1915. The Imperial church of St.
Wenceslaw from (1822–1828) is also decorated with glass of this glass factory
(chandelier, altar). Mining was finished in 1992 when the mine (fluor, heavy
spar and galena) was closed on west hillside of Ptačinec (950 m. a. s.).
Traditional line is also forestry (a forest enterprise, a forest school and a
saw-mill). The role of the most important industrial sphere has been taken over
by tourism industry. Harrachov is a famous recreational centre of both winter
and summer tourism, but mainly of winter sports. There is a very known area of
five ski jumps on the north slope of Čertova hora. There World Cups in Ski
jumps take place on the biggest K-180, in 1983 and 1992 even World
championships. There is also a cableway and downhill courses. Other ski lifts
and downhill courses are on the northeast hillside above Rýžoviště. where is
a new chair lift. There are good-class standard cross-country skiing tracks on
less steeper northwest hillside of Čertova hora. There was built new shooting
range and routes for biathlon on west from glass factory. For ski tourism there
is a ski artery around Harrachov that is about 50 km long and it is constantly
broadened out every year.
Opening hours of the restaurant Country Saloon in Dvur Kralove
- Monday - Thursday: 10:00 - 23:00
- Friday: 10:00 - 24:00
- Saturday: 11:00 - 24:00
- Sunday: 11:00 - 22:00
Our restaurant is non-smoking
Book by calling +420 499 321 596
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